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Help us build our new education center to train up new leaders...

Shalom friends and family,

Over three years ago, Adonai (the Lord) spoke to me during my morning prayer. I specifically asked "Lord, how can I serve You" and I sensed in my spirit this small quiet thought, "Go and make disciples". I then asked, "How Lord" and He again spoke to my spirit "Wait and I will bring them to you".

After receiving confirmation and counseling with others, I embarked on developing the Messianic Discipleship Institute (; a distant learning Bible School based on the Lamad method of learning, which is Hebrew for 'to learn and to teach' - meaning the student has not learned until they are ready to teach what they've learned.

Soon after launching, again I was in prayer seeking the Lord's direction and again I heard Him say "Wait patiently, I will bring them to you".

That same day, I received a call from a Christian Pastor who while in prayer looking for a Hebrew roots based seminary was led to our website and was prompted to call us. This same Pastor is with us today, has recently earned a Bachelors of Theology Degree, is studying for his Masters, has started a new Congregation in his area and is now teaching others what he has learned!

Today, we have many others like him learning and growing as our students.

Go Unto the Nations...

For the last several years my wife Elda (a Filipina) and I have been traveling to the Philippines teaching and doing outreach throughout the islands.

Seeing the fruit and joy in the people's hearts and their desire to learn and grow spiritually, we felt led again to bring MDI to the Philippines and establish a learning institute there.

We thought one way to do this was to have an income producing business there that would give us a place to have Bible Conference Events and later use to build a formal Education Center.

Two years ago we met a Christian lady from California who had a small resort with almost 2 acres of extra land. After doing our due diligence in prayer, we acquired this income producing property and were fortunate to have Elda's sister and husband who were working in the hotel business agree to live onsite and run the operations.

For the last two years, we have held Sukkot Philippines there and the fruit produced has been above and beyond expectations! The Lord is simply awesome!

The first year, we immersed 37 new believer's in Yeshua and formed two small congregations!

Last year (2016) we immersed 24 believers, performed 3 weddings and were asked by 5 individuals that they wanted to be our disciples and students of MDI!

During that time there, we met with our architect friends and began the process of doing a full conceptual master plan and feasibility study to have 1. An income producing property and 2. Build a fully functional K-12 school (the American Judeo-Christian Academy) and the Messianic Discipleship Institute for higher learning.

You have been called to make disciples (talmidim)...

If you are reading this, then you have been called to further the work Yeshua started, to help raise disciples to go unto all the nations.

Yeshua came and talked with them. He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make people from all nations into talmidim, immersing them into the reality of the Father, the Son and the Ruach HaKodesh, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember! I will be with you always, yes, even until the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:18-20

Adonai showed me a vision recently, that the peoples of not only the Philippines, but of China, Japan, North Korea and Indonesia need to hear the message of the Gospel.

Last Sukkot, we had a school teacher from China with us and he told us the underground network of Christians in China is like 120 million people - but they need teachers!

How to help...

Help us build the American Judeo-Christian Academy and Messianic Discipleship Institute.

Every dollar helps and you will become part of the building process.

Giving Levels:

Your Name on a School Tile

For a $250 donation you will receive your name on one of the school tiles as a donor of the school.

Your name on a school plaque For a $500 donation your name will go a plaque and hung in special section of the school dedicated to school donors. Your Name on a school brick For a $1000 donation, your name will go on one of the school brick sections dedicated to school donors. Your name on a room For a $5000 donation, your name will go on one of the rooms of the school. Your name on a special monument wall. For a $10,000 donation, your name will go on a special monument wall dedicated to school donors. Your name on a school wing For a $25,000 donation, we will name one of the school wings (sections of the school) in your honor. Auditorium or Library in Your Name For a $50,000 donation, we will name the auditorium in your name as an honored donor. (Limited to the first donor, the second donor, we will name the library in your honor).

The Harvest is White for Harvest but the Laborers are Few...

Yeshua tells them, “My food is to do the will of the One who sent Me and to accomplish His work. Don’t you say, ‘Four more months, and then comes the harvest’? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields! They are white and ready for harvest.

“The reaper receives a reward and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that the sower and reaper may rejoice together. -John 4:34-36

Be part of the end-time harvest!

Let us rejoice together!

Prayfully consider giving now, today - don't wait, we want to start building as soon as possible, the students are waiting, but we have no place for them yet to learn!

Every dollar goes direct to the cause - we do not take anything out for administrative purposes. Click below.

Aaronic Benediction

Again Adonai spoke to Moses saying, “Speak to Aaron and to his sons saying: Thus you are to bless Bnei-Yisrael, by saying to them:

‘Adonai bless you and keep you! Adonai make His face to shine on you and be gracious to you! Adonai turn His face toward you and grant you shalom!’

In this way they are to place My Name over Bnei-Yisrael, and so I will bless them.”

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